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Our Classes

Actors Space offers acting classes for Adults at all experience levels - from absolute beginners to working TV pros. Whatever your acting background, dreams, and career goals, we have a fit for you. And we love newbies!


We offer free audits for all of our active classes - But if we are between sessions, or if you prefer, you can also schedule a free 15 minute zoom with Lauren herself, to answer any questions or hesitations.


And if you already know where you want to start - sign up now, before spaces run out! We can't wait to welcome you to class.


Check out the classes we're currently offering below! And if you're looking for on-set or audition coaching, more information is available here


Lauren Teaching and Laughing with two beginning acting students

For beginning actors - no experience necessary, no rehearsal or outside work required! 

Adult Basics
Monday Nights 6pm-9pm
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For the working, professional actor, or those students who are ready to make a leap in their careers.

Professional Scene Study
& Auditioning
Thursday Nights, 6pm-9pm

For actors who have worked with Lauren before, or who have some experience under their belt.

Adult Continuing
A - Tuesday Nights 6pm-9pm
B - Saturday Mornings 9am-12pm
Image by Avel Chuklanov

Just six students, for greater focus and intensity.

For actors on a professional track.

6-person Intensive
Sunday Mornings 10am-1pm
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One-Night On-Camera Classes.

Bring an audition, or get your own scene.

Stand out on your next self-tape!

On-Camera One-Nights
Thurs June 13th or June 27th
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